Année universitaire 2024/2025

Management et gestion des organisations Londres - 3e année de Licence

Crédits ECTS : 60

Pré-requis obligatoires

ATTENTION : En tant qu'université française sur le territoire du Royaume-Uni, seuls les étudiantes et les étudiants ressortissants des pays de l'Union européenne peuvent s'inscrire au programme Londres.

Programme de la formation

Description de chaque enseignement

Accounting and Financial reporting

ECTS : 4

Volume horaire : 36

Description du contenu de l'enseignement :

The aims of this module is to:

Compétence à acquérir :

By the end of this module, students will have demonstrated: 

  1. Prepare accounting entries using double entry bookkeeping; (KCPT)
  2. Prepare the Income Statement and the Statement of Financial Position from a Trial Balance; (KCPT)
  3. Prepare the Cash Flow Statement; (KCPT)
  4. Prepare consolidated balance sheet for listed companies ; (KCPT)
  5. Prepare consolidated income statements for listed companies ; (KCPT)
  6. Apply IFRS in the preparation of the above Financial Statements ; (KCPT)
  7. Critically evaluate the purpose and objectives of the regulatory bodies and the regulatory framework. (KCPT)

Applied Statistics to Management

ECTS : 3

Volume horaire : 27

Description du contenu de l'enseignement :

Course Overview
Introduction to statistical tools used to summarize and analyze a set of data, to the fundamental concepts of probability and the laws of probability. Presentation of statistical inference concepts: sampling, parameter estimation and hypothesis testing. Introduction to simple linear regression.

Course Chronology
A . Probabilities

I. Basic concepts
1. Random experience and events
2. Definition of a probability
3. Conditional probabilities
4. Bayes formula
5. Independence
6. Combinations and arrangements

II. Random variables
1. Discrete random variables
2. Continuous random variables
3. Approximations

III. Two-dimensional random variables
1. Independence
2. Covariance
3. Properties of expected value and variance

B. Statistical inference

1. Sampling theory
2. Statistical estimation
a) Point estimation
b) Confidence interval estimation
3. Hypothesis testing

Compétence à acquérir :

Gain various basic concepts and strategic tools used in the Science of Management. Develop, through a variety of applications based principally in the domain of management, the capacity to interpret and analyze quantitative data.

Mode de contrôle des connaissances :

Basics of Strategy

Business Law

ECTS : 2

Volume horaire : 27

Description du contenu de l'enseignement :

This unit aims to give an overview of the principles of French business law (including French company law, commercial law, competition law and consumer law). This unit also aims to develop the students’ analytical skills and legal reasoning in English.  

Compétence à acquérir :

By the end of this module, students will have demonstrated: 

  1. General principles of French company law (e.g. limited liability, functions of different officers, corporate veil, criminal and civil liability, articles of incorporation and shareholder agreements);
  2. Understanding the functions and advantages of different corporate structures (société anonyme, société par action simplifié, société à responsabilité limitée);
  3. The law and principles applicable to French commercial leases;
  4. The law and principles applicable to fonds de commerce (business property);
  5. Principles of French and European competition law;
  6. Principles of consumer law;
  7. General understanding of legal framework applicable to business in France and related current affairs.
  1. Legal analysis;
  2. Legal research;
  3. Argumentative skills;
  4. Public speaking;
  5. Drafting skills.
Values and Attitudes 
  1. Readiness to develop both sides of an argument;
  2. Independent, inquisitive thinking;                                       
  3. Interest and participation in class.

Mode de contrôle des connaissances :

Grading Criteria
                Mid-term MCQ                                  25%
              Presentations                                      20%
                Final Exam                                        50%
                Participation                                        5%

Bibliographie, lectures recommandées :

Controlling and Managing Organizations

ECTS : 4

Volume horaire : 36

Description du contenu de l'enseignement :

This course builds on managerial accounting foundations, as well as introduces the key concepts, tools, and principles of strategy formulation and competitive analysis. It is concerned with managerial decisions and actions that affect the performance and survival of business enterprises. The course is focused on the information, analyses, organizational processes, and skills and business judgment managers must use to devise strategies, position their businesses, define firm boundaries and maximize long-term profits.
Strategic Managerial accounting is an integrative and interdisciplinary course. It assumes a broad view of the environment that includes buyers, suppliers, competitors, and global forces. In studying strategy, the course draws together and builds on all the ideas, concepts, and theories from your functional courses such as Accounting, Economics, Finance, Marketing, Organizational Behavior, and Statistics. 

Mode de contrôle des connaissances :

Bibliographie, lectures recommandées :

Corporate Finance

ECTS : 6

Volume horaire : 54

Description du contenu de l'enseignement :

The purpose of the course is to introduce students to financial decision-making that should constitute the general background of any manager.
1) Financial statement analysis and financial diagnosis
2) Valuation in finance (Time Value of Money), sources and uses of funds, MPT and CAPM, value and value creation, financial decision making (investment);
3) Financial Markets, Options and Risk Management

Compétence à acquérir :

The objectife of the course is to introduce undergraduates to tools and basic techniques of financial decisions. With this perspective in mind, the course is the answer to two major concerns. First, it is the basis of the professional specialization the students need to undertake a master in Finance. This course aims at supplying the sutdents with basic financial knowledge so theat they can effectively assimilate the various classes necessary for a master specialization. Secondly, this course ensures that the undergraduate who choose another specialization will have a vision of all financial techniques and will make the most of the only finance class in their curricula.

Corporate Tax Law

ECTS : 3

Volume horaire : 27

Description du contenu de l'enseignement :

This unit provides the students with the basics of taxation and particularly French tax law for both companies and individuals.


Compétence à acquérir :

By the end of this module, students will have demonstrated the ability: 
1. To explain the main challenges and concepts of taxation.
2. To describe and synthesize the key rules of French tax law for both companies and inviduals.
3. To apply those rules to solve concrete cases.
4. To identify tax issues in complexe cases.
5. To understand and critically engage on complexe tax debates and evolutions.
6. To prepare and deliver presentations and communicate on complexe tax topics.
Values and Attitudes 
7. To link tax with other areas, particularly accounting, economics and politics.
8. To collaborate to produce teamworks on tax topics.

Current Issues in Sociology

ECTS : 4

Volume horaire : 27

Description du contenu de l'enseignement :

This course will provide students with a critical understanding of some of the key theoretical debates underpinning sociology. It will explore sociological considerations of the issue of ‘free will’. The key issue of human agency will be addressed within those theories that explain social privileges and inequalities. Through discussion, individual and group tasks, participants should be able to demonstrate the different levels of complexities involved in using theory to interpret the social world.  Students will be challenged to apply in-depth analysis to case studies. This will take place through the investigation of different social intricacies within the fields of education, the world of work and global citizenship. Furthermore, the unit’s discussion of the nature of sociology provides a critique for the scientific basis of this subject. The insights from this critique will prepare and therefore expect  learners to engage with sociological concerns at a higher level thinking. This should be demonstrated by their ability to work with abstract theories that deconstruct assumptions about westernisation and progress. Furthermore, this course will enable learners to practically apply sociological insights, within the world of work, with professional competence.

Compétence à acquérir :

By the end of this module, students should demonstrate:
1.  Critical understanding of modern, post and late modern sociological debates
2. Clear understanding of how the issue of ‘free will’ is expressed in theory, research methods, scientific debates and post- structural discourses
3.  Critical grasp of how privilege, inequity and oppression are expressed in local and global contexts.
4.  A confident grasp of the enquiries that undermine the scientific basis of the sociological enterprise.
5.  The ability to meet deadlines that require the management of complex sociological theories, case studies and activities.
6 .  Multi-level critical evaluation skills that reflect confidence in interpreting and communicating  (written or verbal)  difficult sociological arguments.
7.  The ability to interpret competing sociological perspectives to produce a coherent line of reasoning
Values and Attitudes 
8.  Appreciation of diverse perspectives     
9.  Academic objectivity capable of incorporating relevant sociological considerations of ‘taken for granted’ discourses on identities, social realities and truth.

Mode de contrôle des connaissances :

Grade Weighting

Participation & Engagement         (10%)
Mid-Term Case Study Exam         (25%)
Group Presentation & Report       (15%)
Final Exam in January                   (50%)

Bibliographie, lectures recommandées :

Core Text Book
Armstrong’s Handbook of Human Resource Management Practice, 11th Edition, Kogan Press, London.

Economic Aspects of Globalization

ECTS : 3

Volume horaire : 24

Description du contenu de l'enseignement :

The course aims at providing an exploration of the fundamental economic theories which describe/explain the phenomenon of globalization and its consequences.

Compétence à acquérir :

By the end of this module, students will have demonstrated: 
1. An ability to define the concept of globalization, and to describe its different characteristics.
2. An ability to describe the different stages of globalization and its economic implications, issues and challenges.
3. An ability to understand the different classic/neoclassic economic theories (such as Ricardo, HOS etc.) related to globalization and to determine to what extent these theories could shed a light on this phenomenon.
4. An ability to understand the different modern theory of globalization which focus on other key aspect (such as innovation, economy of scales, differentiation of goods, FDIs).
5. An ability to analyse the economic consequences of free trades versus protectionism.
6. An ability to resolve mathematically and/or graphically exercises related to the different theories presented in class.
7. An ability to determine the link (and their limits) between theories studied in class and the different aspect of globalisation.
8. An ability to determine mathematically and graphically (1) a partial equilibrium (2) surpluses (or change in surpluses) of each economic agents and (3) deadweight-losses and how they evolve in situation of autarky and in situation of free trade. 
9. An ability to use and adapt economic concepts studied in class on new topics, situations, contexts.
10. An ability to follow the evolution of the financial markets throughout the semester and to be able to link these markets movements to macroeconomics concepts.
Values and Attitudes 
11. An ability to take responsibility for their studies in and outside of class and to be proactive and take initiative for further individual development.
12. An ability to work effectively, and appropriately with others in class.               .             

Mode de contrôle des connaissances :

50% Final Exam + 50% Continuous Assesment.

Bibliographie, lectures recommandées :

Employment Law

ECTS : 2

Volume horaire : 30

Description du contenu de l'enseignement :

Module Aims 

The purpose of the unit is to introduce the major areas of employment legislation and the employment law system to those studying Management Science. The unit is intended to provide an overview, rather than focus in detail on the operation of specific employment laws for those who need to understand and be able to evaluate emerging developments in the management of the employment relationship.

Learning Outcomes 

By the end of this module, students will be able to: 


1. Demonstrate an in-depth understanding of the purpose of employment regulation and the way it is enforced in practice

2. Demonstrate a critical understanding of the legal regulatory background; national, regional and international instruments. 

3. Demonstrate a broad and in-depth understanding of the importance of compliance and managerial support for HR function. 

4. Demonstrate a broad and in-depth understanding of equality, human rights, non-discrimination regulation as inputs

5. Demonstrate a critical understanding of understanding risk of exposure to sanction including the international dimension: reputational and legal

6. Independently select, critically evaluate and interpret a broad range of legal research material from a range of legal sources and synthesise material from different types of legal sources for use in assignments to develop structured and sophisticated arguments in writing

7. clearly and critically analyse, synthesise, structure and communicate ideas effectively orally. 

8. Critically assess legal problems, scholarly debates, concepts in Employment Law and clearly and coherently and draw innovative conclusions on a broad range of specific legal problems. 

9. Lead collaborative teamwork towards a common goal and reflect on their own contributions and impact as a leader. 


10. respect and apply advanced academic and professional conventions and act with academic and professional integrity. 

Compétence à acquérir :

Law Subject benchmark

Mode de contrôle des connaissances :

Students are to prepare each session individually, going through the slides provided and a short mandatory reading list in bold AND in group, with questions allocated to each group which will be presented in reasoned answers to the rest of the class during the session. 

This module draws on a wide range of teaching and learning strategies to help students develop appropriate  cognitive and language skills:


Students will receive  oral and written feedback on class activities and homework. The continuous assessment counts for 50%. It consists of in-class participation and contributions  (20%) and a mid-term test (30%). The final examination counts for 50% of the final module grade - students are required to sit a 2 hour exam.

English and Communication

ECTS : 3

Volume horaire : 27

English and Communication

ECTS : 2

Volume horaire : 30

Financial Mathematics

ECTS : 3

Volume horaire : 27

Description du contenu de l'enseignement :

This course is designed as a first introduction to the mathematics used in finance. Starting from basic concepts such as interest rates, compounding, discounting, time value of money, NPV, the various lectures will expose the students to a whole range of financial instruments and their pricing, including annuity, loans with an added special focus on the fixed income world from a “markets practitioner’s perspective” towards the end of the course. By which time, the aim will be for them to be familiar with the pricing and risk management of bonds, forward rates agreements and other simple derivatives.

Compétence à acquérir :

By the end of this module, students will have demonstrated: 
1. Understanding of the “time value of money” concept
2. Understanding of the concept of interest rates compounding
3. Knowledge of the different types of loans
4. Ease with use of NPV for project finance applications
5. Basic knowledge of bonds market/risk management tools
6. Ability to calculate equivalent interest rates
7. Ability to perform calculations on loans.
8. Relative ease with bonds math
Values and Attitudes 
8. Rigor in mathematical reasoning
9. Willingness to understand the implications of the concepts at play

Bibliographie, lectures recommandées :

Human Resources Management

ECTS : 4

Volume horaire : 36

Description du contenu de l'enseignement :

The module aims to provide students with a comprehensive introduction to the key aspects of human resources management. By completing the module, students will understand the development of HRM over time in modern organisation, what has changed over time and what core elements in recruiting, retaining and rewarding staff have remained universal. Students will learn relevant theory regarding the operational aspects of HRM as well as the role of a strategic elements in creating a successful HRM to leverage full employee engagement, which in turn can increase productivity, profits and employee satisfaction.  Students will reference a key textbook throughout, also make use of key case studies, using the current press to learn about the dynamic topic of HRM, both nationally and internantionally. The module offers students a grounding in the key drivers to successful organisations, thorugh the correct management of the people working within them.

Compétence à acquérir :

By the end of this module, students will have be able to: 
1.     Demonstrate a thorough understanding of the key functions of HRM and critically evaluate the implications of HRM for an organiation’s success
2.     Identify key contemporary HRM challenges and critically evaluate potential HRM solutions
3.     Understand the merits of a strategic approach to HRM and talent management and demonstrate their impact on an organisation.
5.     Critically analyse relevant theory and apply to real HRM case studiess to solve complex problems.
6.     Create arguments to substantiate your debates on HRM practice in different world regions.
7.     Reflect on HRM’s changes over time and undertake independent research in an audio-visual form to present to the group for knowledge share on a current HRM issue.
Values and Attitudes 
8.     Engaging with your studies in and outside of the classroom, and taking responsibility for your learnng and development by a proactive approach.                                                  
9.    Developing a professional approach to your learning, working effectively with your classmates in any group work and demonstrating respect for others opinions.

Mode de contrôle des connaissances :

Grading Criteria
                Research (case studies classes)         20%
                Case studies classes participation      20%
                Final Exam                                          50%
                Course classes Participation              10%

Bibliographie, lectures recommandées :

Main reading:

Management Information System

ECTS : 2

Volume horaire : 27

Compétence à acquérir :



1. The critical knowledge of information systems

2. Knoweldge of differences and similarities between various types of information systems

3. Reflective knowledge of the importance of information systems 


4. The ability to present an argument to recommend a specific type of information system.

5. Analysis of the requirements of the organization and identify the suitable type of information system.

6. The ability to understand the correlation between databases and information system. 

7. The ability to understand the importance of securing information system.

8. Presentation of a coherent argument to recommend various means of securing information systems.

9. The ability to design and plan the analysis of a given case 

10. The ability to critically analyse the given data and conclude with relevant suggestions based on the given problem. 

11. The ability to research the various new security tools available in the industry. 

Values and Attitudes 

12. Plan and structure the work in relevance to the objective of the task

13. Be open-minded to various approaches towards a given problem case and its corresonding solutions. 


ECTS : 6

Volume horaire : 45

Description du contenu de l'enseignement :

This unit will provide the students with an opportunity to discover, explore and master the fundamental concepts of Marketing in order to develop a foundational knowledge of the discipline and gain an overview of all its various elements. 

Compétence à acquérir :

By the end of this module, students will have demonstrated: 


1. an understanding of the basic principles of Marketing including its key concepts and processes.

2. a thorough understanding of the fundamentals of Marketing Research and Consumer Knowledge, Marketing Strategy and Marketing Mix that can be directly applied to situations in the retail environment as well as the workplace.

3. an understanding of the main tools currently used in organisations to efficiently manage brands in the long term.


4. an ability to thoroughly analyse a brand or a business including its market environment (internal & external), its consumer needs and its current marketing strategy and positioning. 

5. an ability to develop and recommend realistic, sound and efficient marketing actions to address its challenges and enhance the brand’s current positioning.

6. the necessary skills to make relevant marketing decisions under time and competition pressure working in and influencing a team.

Values and Attitudes

7. an ability to differentiate and engage in ethical practices in marketing.

8. the ability to work in a team over the course of the term, recognising and respecting other’s ways of working and culture.

9. an ability to put forward straight-to-the-point, well-researched, relevant and well-articulated arguments to demonstrate a marketing mindset.

Mode de contrôle des connaissances :

The course evaluation will be based on:  

1.  An in-class individual exam (50%, during exam week) to evaluate the student’s understanding of all concepts covered in the sessions from the beginning of the term, including insights from readings. This exam will be based on a couple of articles presenting a current brand or business situation, asking students to explain key concepts and apply their understanding to this specific brand.

2.  A Marketing Project (25%): an opportunity to analyse a company’s current market environment, and current marketing strategy as well as an in-depth analysis of all the mix elements to then define and present value-adding recommendations to improve the brand positioning.

3.  A Simulation Game (15%) played over the course of a day and facilitated by the lecturer to give students opportunities to make marketing strategic decisions and reflect on their impact on the business results in the market in the short/long term.

4.  Individual mid-term oral evaluation (10%) to allow students to assess their knowledge intake and highlight any specific gap in preparation for the end-of-year exam.

Bibliographie, lectures recommandées :

Core Sources
Kotler, Armstrong, Harris & He (2019). Principles of Marketing, European or Global Edition. Pearson Education 

Dauphine Library: 9781292269610  Link to selection page.

Russell, E. (2010)The fundamentals of Marketing. AVA Publishing 

Dauphine Library: AN 295737. Direct link here.

Second Foreign Language

ECTS : 3

Description du contenu de l'enseignement :

One second foreign Language to choose at UCL : German, Spanish, Italian, Mandarin, Arabic, Portuguese

Soft Skills and Employability

ECTS : 3

Description du contenu de l'enseignement :

Soft Skills and Employability (equivalent of the Pre-professionalisation Module in Paris) aims at supporting student’s reflections about their studies and professional projects in connection with their personal life while growing as individuals, learning how to interact with others and collaborate.
During the third year, this Module aims at supporting the next active step towards entering the professional life. It gives practical tools so that students can feel confident to move forward. Its main general objective is to help each student start the process of finding his/her place in the working society and envisioning him/herself working happily and contributing to the world.

Compétence à acquérir :

By the end of this module, students will have improved in the following areas:
By the end of this module, students will have demonstrated:
1. detailed knowledge of the challenges and opportunities of today’s work environment in the Covid19 context
2. complex knowledge of how Human Resources look at personal profiles online
3. in-depth knowledge of what makes a good CV
By the end of this module, students will be able to:
4. Reflect on the past years and to design career goals for the coming year(s)
5. Stand out from the crowd in a digital word and select information they display online 
6. Recognise key soft skills for an international career
7. Write applications for jobs
8. Identify their qualities/abilities/values/failings and illustrate them
Values and Attitudes 
By the end of this module, students will have demonstrated a commitment to:
9. Respect each other and oneself
10. Openness to others' values/thoughts without judgement or criticism
11. Being courageous to speak openly and truly about oneself without pretending
12.  Expressing one’s unique personality and opinions even if others think differently

Université Paris Dauphine - PSL - Place du Maréchal de Lattre de Tassigny - 75775 PARIS Cedex 16 - 06/07/2024