
Operations Management

ECTS : 6

Description du contenu de l'enseignement :

Course description and objectives
One of the key challenges in business (manufacturing and/or service) is how to manage operations effectively and efficiently.  Thus, this course examines theories, concepts and strategies used in Operations Management. It is designed to introduce students to the strategic importance of various operations decisions (process and plant layout, quality, inventory and supply chain management…). We take both a theoretical and practical approach, beginning with a brief review of the fundamental purpose of management. 
We’ll explore the strategic role of operations, study some of the problems and challenges that managers face and examine the theories and strategic tools available to tackle these issues. We take this a little further by analyzing how managerial philosophy, attitudes toward work, technology and culture can affect successful implementation of an operations strategy.
I believe business is best understood by doing, thus this course is highly participative (interactive). Roughly half of class time focuses on traditional lectures with the balance of class time devoted to discussions and group presentations.  You will learn from your fellow students as much as from lectures and outside readings.
Assigned readings and materials are vital.  Preparing the assigned material before class, allows the student to gain a better understanding of the issue to be discussed in class.   Students are also able to actively participate and provide valuable insights on the issues at hand.
The objective of the assigned articles is to help students think critically about the points of view of thought leaders in operations management. This will enhance our examination of how operations management models and principles can be applied to real world organizational challenges, and assist the student in developing leadership and managerial capabilities.
The course material is thus intended to help develop awareness and knowledge of multiple issues associated with operating a business. The cases and class activities are designed to help students in applying theory to practical situations.
The course objective is to develop an appreciation of how the study of Operations Management can help an organization to successfully compete in the marketplace.


Compétence à acquérir :

Learning outcomes
Upon successful completion of this course, students should be able to:

  1. Be familiar with core operations management concepts and processes, and their relationships with other business functions.
  2. Understand how Operations Management is fundamental to the value-creation processes of an organization and how it can be a source of competitive advantage. 
  3. Understand the importance of operations to all organizations that produce goods and/or provide services.
  4. Understand various systems for managing operations such as Material Requirements Planning (MRP), Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) and Just-in-Time Production (JIT).
  5. Analyze situations and identify appropriate techniques for planning and scheduling.
  6. Understand quality theories such as TQM, Six Sigma, Lean and TOC.
  7. Define, analyze and solve operations problems from a strategic perspective.
  8. Analyze situations and offer solutions to business problems in the operations area.
  9. Understand the place of human factors that may influence job design and work measurement.
  10. Demonstrate critical thinking and the application of core competencies in business decision making.
  11. Understand the global environment.
  12. Communicate well and work collaboratively.

Mode de contrôle des connaissances :

Assignments and grading

The numerical grade distribution will dictate the final grade. The passing grade for a course is 10/20.
Class participation: Active class participation – this is what makes classes lively and instructive. Come on time and prepared. Class participation is based on quality of comments, not quantity.
Exam policy: In the exam, students will not be allowed to bring any document (except if allowed by the lecturer). Unexcused absences from exams or failure to submit cases will result in zero grades in the calculation of numerical averages. Exams are collected at the end of examination periods.

Bibliographie, lectures recommandées :


This course is on MyCourse: Yes

Université Paris Dauphine - PSL - Place du Maréchal de Lattre de Tassigny - 75775 PARIS Cedex 16 - 06/07/2024