
Common law v civil law dispute resolution – differences and convergences

ECTS : 3

Description du contenu de l'enseignement :

?Any future practitioner intending to become a lawyer, whether as counsel/Avocat/Solicitor in a law firm or as in-house counsel, will be facing, during his/her career, disputes involving proceedings initiated – sometimes simultaneously – across several jurisdictions.
Those proceedings are likely to be governed by very different - and at times inconsistent - sets of rules. To take but a few examples:

As such, it is important for future lawyers intending to practise in an international environment to be able to anticipate, and adapt to, the differences between civil law and common law dispute resolution.

The Module will be built around a Case Study (i.e., a factual scenario described in a booklet containing several appendices, including the contract at the origin of the dispute, the correspondence exchanged between the parties, etc.). The case will be studied at different key stages, to understand how it may develop differently depending on whether it is brought before a common law or a civil law tribunal.
The key stages which the Module will focus on are as follows:

Bibliographie, lectures recommandées :

Profile of the lecturer
Jean-François Le Gal is qualified both as a Barrister (England & Wales) and an Avocat au Barreau de Paris. He specialises in international arbitration and multi-jurisdictional proceedings.
He acts as counsel/advocate in English and/or French in international arbitration proceedings, and also sits as an arbitrator: he has acted as Chairman of an Arbitral Tribunal, Sole Arbitrator and Co-Arbitrator.
He has acted both before common law and civil law courts and tribunals. He has experience in handling cases before the High Court (England & Wales) and the Dubai International Financial Centre Courts (DIFC Courts), and has appeared before the Dubai World Tribunal. He has also appeared on numerous occasions as advocate in France in the scope of cross-border civil and commercial disputes.
He lectures in Arbitration at the Paris Bar School, and English & Comparative Contract Law at Paris-Dauphine International University (London campus). He has also lectured in Comparative & International Dispute Resolution at Paris II Panthéon-Assas University, and in French Contract Law at Paris I-Sorbonne University.

Université Paris Dauphine - PSL - Place du Maréchal de Lattre de Tassigny - 75775 PARIS Cedex 16 - 06/07/2024