
China-US Rivalry

Description du contenu de l'enseignement :

Course structure : 12x2 hours
Session 1: Introduction
China’s foreign policy under Xi Jinping: achieving the “Chinese dream” and the United-States’ foreign policy under the Trump administration: “America first”
Session 2: The negative perceptions of the other partner and the plot theories since 2001

  Session 3 : Long term subjects of disagreements between China and the United States since 2001 : The question of Taiwan since 2001
Session 4: The issue of proliferation and non-proliferation since 2001
Session 5: The issue of North-Korea and the Korean Peninsula since 2001
Session 6: Human rights: a marginalized question up since 2001 to the Hong Kong crisis in 2019-2020 
Session 7: The power rivalry and rising tensions at the international level: the economic and trade disagreements
Session 8: From economic interdependence to trade war
Session 9: A recent technological front of tension
Session 10: Asia as the main battlefield of the Sino-American rivalry in the military and strategic areas: the new strategic balance of power in Asia
Session 11: The maritime conflicts in the South China Sea 
Session 12: The covid-19 pandemic and its consequences on the US-China relations

Compétence à acquérir :

Learning outcomes:
The students will be able to a full understanding of the current dynamic on the Sino-US relationship, of the aims of both countries in their bilateral relation and the strategy they are using to try to achieve them. To achieve these outcomes, the students will be asked to do some press review on US-China rivalry and the different themes in the press, to read some academic articles chosen by the professor in relation with the course.  

Mode de contrôle des connaissances :

Assignments and grading:
The grading will be based on oral presentations made by the students on press review or readings of academic articles and their active oral participation during the class. They can be asked to do short presentation on a specific point of the course (economic data, negotiations between China and the US if ever). A final exam, a writing test of two hours could complete the grading. This writing test could take place at the end of the course. 

Bibliographie, lectures recommandées :

Bibliographie- Bibliography :
CHRISTENSEN Thomas, J. The China Challenge: Shaping the Choices of a Rising Power, New York, W. W. Norton, 2015
KISSINGER Henry, On China, Penguin Press, New York, 2011
SHAMBAUGH David, China Goes Global: the Partial Power, New York, Oxford University Press, 2013
WANG Jisi, 200 years of Sino-US relations, Chung Hwa Book Co. (HK), 2016
Articles :
- Cronin, P. « Maritime order and America’s Indo-Pacific Strategy », July 1, 2019
Center for International Maritime Security Center for International Maritime Security Center for International Maritime Security
-Shambaugh D. « The New American Bipartisan Consensus on China Policy », 21 September 2018, China-US Focus website
-Shambaugh D. « The New American Bipartisan Consensus on China Policy », 21 September 2018, China-US Focus website :
- Sutter R. « Pushback: America’s New China Strategy, A situation report from Washington assessing the U.S. whole of government opposition to China’s challenges », November 02, 2018, The diplomat,
- Woo W.T."Understanding the US-China Trade War,” China Economic Journal, Vol. 11 Issue 3, 2018, pp. 319-340.
- Woo W.T "Defusing the US-China Trade Conflict" 3 July 2018, Project Syndicate
Other documents:
-The US-China Dialogue Podcast, an oral-history project at Georgetown University:
-Cronin P., “China's Total Competition Strategy », an interview on the Defense and Aerospace Podcast, Hudson Institute website
Bibliography in French :
CABESTAN Jean-Pierre Cabestan, La politique internationale de la Chine, SciencesPo Les Pres

Université Paris Dauphine - PSL - Place du Maréchal de Lattre de Tassigny - 75775 PARIS Cedex 16 - 06/07/2024