
Financial Accounting

ECTS : 3

Volume horaire : 18

Description du contenu de l'enseignement :

Companies are obliged to inform their various stakeholders (current or potential shareholders, banks or bond holders, suppliers or customers, employees, the State or various public bodies, etc.) of their financial situation. To do so, they regularly (at least once a year) produce financial statements. Financial accounting is the process of producing these financial statements. It is an information system, gathering financial information in a structure designed to enhance and convey communication,  so that individuals can assess risks, success, health and prospects of the company
 Anyone who can read these financial statements, who understands the meaning of the data they include, is able to understand and judge the financial reality of the company, to give an opinion on its financial situation, and becomes a decision maker
The goals of the  'Financial Accounting' course are :

Compétence à acquérir :

From January to May, the second semester is dedicated to understand how financial information is built.
The learning outcomes are :

Mode de contrôle des connaissances :

Continuous assessment : 50 %  (test 40% + participation grade 10%)
Final exam : 50%

Bibliographie, lectures recommandées :

Any book of introduction to financial accounting.

Université Paris Dauphine - PSL - Place du Maréchal de Lattre de Tassigny - 75775 PARIS Cedex 16 - 06/07/2024