Global Contemporary Issues
ECTS : 2
Description du contenu de l'enseignement :
The Global Contemporary Issues course (September-December 2023 semester) included the following subjects:
- A Brief History of Truth, from Aristotle to Post-Truth
- Truth, Belief, Faith & Scientific Knowledge
- Freedom, Liberty, Equality
- Social Justice & Rights
- The University & Research
- The State
- Europe
- Climate Justice
- Climate Politics #1 : Adapting (How?)
- Climate Politics #2 : Agency (Who?)
Compétence à acquérir :
The Global Contemporary Issues course is part of the greater endeavour of Paris-Dauphine PSL University to provide critical thinking and communication skills to its sophomore students. As such, it is intertwined with the French-language Grands Enjeux Contemporains program, and shares goals such as:
- being able to process a specific text collection
- being able to work in a team of three students at an oral presentation in English
- being able to process and acquire key talking points and concepts
- being able to write essays in English, implying a set of four specific skills:
- reading and analysing a set of texts provided on-the-spot, and using them in an articulate and thoughtful fashion
- acquiring a critical distance to these texts, mediated by a given question, and then producing an accurate view of the issues at stake
- building an outline, and then an essay proper, developing one's line of argument, with a view to taking sides personally in a convincing way
- all the above while attempting to display the best possible command of the English language
- regarding the latter, perfected skills include:
- English speech fluency (group talks, group talk preparation with the teaching professor)
- English writing fluency (essays, group talk outline writing, group talk powerpoint writing)
- English reading skills (in-depth text analysis, ability to sift through text collections)
Mode de contrôle des connaissances :
The overall mark is obtained by compounding:
- one mark for the aforementioned group talk personal performance [25%]
- one mark for a (one hour and a half long) written test breaking down the aforementioned essay skills to a set of questions on a text dossier [25%]
- one mark for a (two hours long) written essay on a given text dossier [50%]