ECTS : 3
Volume horaire : 24
Description du contenu de l'enseignement :
This research-oriented module will focus on advanced machine learning algorithms, in particular in the Bayesian setting
1) Bayesian Machine Learning (with Moez Draief, chief data scientist CapGemini)
- Bayesian linear regression
- Gaussian Processes (i.e. kernelized Bayesian linear regression)
- Approximate Bayesian Inference
- Latent Dirichlet Allocation
2) Bayesian Deep Learning (with Julyan Arbel, CR INRIA)
- MCMC methods
- variationnal methods
3) Advanced Recommandation Techniques (with Clement Calauzene, Criteo)
Compétence à acquérir :
Probabilistic, Bayesian ML and recommandation systems
Mode de contrôle des connaissances :
- Chaque étudiant devra présenter un papiers de recherche