
Introduction to private law

ECTS : 2

Description du contenu de l'enseignement :

After a previous introduction to the legal-private system, the students will begin the study of the subjects of law (natural person, legal entity, non-profit entities, mercantile societies, representation). This block of subjects will occupy the most sessions, since identifying and understanding the types and characteristics of the peoplewho can be holders of rights and obligations is a necessary and essential previous piece for the assimilation of the rest of legal figures. The contents of the following lection are conceived as a first approach to the basic concepts of private contracting, civil liability as well as property and other rights over things, subjects that will be subject of specific subjects during the following four quarters. To provide a more complete visión of the private legal system, the program includes the study of basic concept son the patrimonial aspect of family law and inheritance. Thus, will be exposed the principles that govern the matrimonial economic regime and its incidence in the business sphere, on the one hand, and the hereditary transmission of the godos, on the other. As an essential closing, the course ends with the study of the mechanisms of judicial protection of the rights introduced throughout the course. It is intended that the student has a panoramic view of the different instruments that people have to prevent and protect against posible legal injuries and how it works.

Compétence à acquérir :

This course has as main objective to bring students to the main concepts of private law and legal reasoning methods. In this sense, the subject aims that the student is familiarized with the basics of the private legal system, understand and learn to handle legal concepts that will face in his profesional life (some of which will be subject to deepening throughout the study plan in following clases) and acquire argumentation capacity. 

Mode de contrôle des connaissances :

50% Research work given and participation in class (active class participation, preparation and
readings, exercises)
50% End of term MCQ assessment

Université Paris Dauphine - PSL - Place du Maréchal de Lattre de Tassigny - 75775 PARIS Cedex 16 - 06/07/2024