
Post-Colonial Perspectives: Relations between Latin America and Spain from 1810 to nowadays I

ECTS : 2

Description du contenu de l'enseignement :

What is postcolonial criticism? How to write a research paper Black and White Legends: A Brief History of of Colonial Latin America Enlightenment and Revolution Washington, Napoleon and Hidalgo Simon Bolivar and the Independence for Hispanic America Building Nations ¿Los Indios¿ as Native Americans Oligarchy, Bourgeoisie, Foreign Interests Spain in the 19th Century The Monroe Doctrine Industrialization The Significance of 1898

Compétence à acquérir :

This course will provide students with the following skills and knowledge: 

Bibliographie, lectures recommandées :

Université Paris Dauphine - PSL - Place du Maréchal de Lattre de Tassigny - 75775 PARIS Cedex 16 - 06/07/2024