

ECTS : 2

Description du contenu de l'enseignement :

1. AT UNIVERSITY Learning to manage at university Grammatical and lexical content: specific academic and university vocabulary. 2. APPROCHEMENT TO SPAIN Getting to know Spain Getting by in everyday life situations: the registers Cultural contrast Grammatical and lexical content: Expression of time (review of present and past forms), Formal and informal language, Use of pronouns in formal and informal language. 3.THE SPANISH BUSINESS WORLD I Current society and new technologies: Social networks, Buying/selling on the internet. The most relevant Spanish companies today Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of the use of technology in the workplace. Grammatical and lexical content: Use of past tenses, Business Spanish lexicon, Lexicon related to new technologies: Anglicisms. 4.GLOBALISATION AND THE BUSINESS WORLD What is globalization? Globalization in Spain. Analysis of cases Develop arguments for or against a previously given opinion and refute opinions. Grammatical and lexical content: Use of connectors to argue and counter-argue, Noun sentences: indicative/subjunctive contrast. 5. THE SPANISH BUSINESS WORLD II: LOOKING FOR A JOB Conducting a job interview. Frequently asked questions and speaking techniques. Writing a CV. Writing a cover letter Grammatical and lexical content: Use of past tenses, Specific vocabulary for formal letters, Accentuation. 6.THE SPANISH LEGAL WORLD Understanding legal texts: public law Grammatical and lexical content: Lexicon related to public law, Relative sentences with known or Página 1 de 2 unknown antecedent: indicative/subjunctive contrast, Relative sentences with preposition, Expressions of certainty and evaluations: indicative/subjunctive contrast, Verbs of thought/opinion: indicative/subjunctive contrast.

Compétence à acquérir :

Communicate effectively and coherently in academic and professional contexts, both orally and in writing. Knowledge of the appropriate linguistic rules for different registers. Presentation and argumentation of opinions.

Université Paris Dauphine - PSL - Place du Maréchal de Lattre de Tassigny - 75775 PARIS Cedex 16 - 06/07/2024