

ECTS : 1

Description du contenu de l'enseignement :

1. THE SPANISH BUSINESS WORLD (III) AND HUMAN RESOURCES Learning to manage people and environments that favor communication in the workplace. Grammatical and lexical content: Sentences indicating opposition and contrast (concessive sentences). Preterit Imperfect de Subjunctive (uses). Exploitation of the film "The Method". 2. THE SPANISH BUSINESS WORLD (IV) AND WORKING CONDITIONS. Know and analyze working and employment conditions in Spain. Working hours, teleworking and work life balance. Grammatical and lexical content: Sentences marking time (alternating indicative/subjunctive) and lexical content related to the working environment. 3.THE SPANISH BUSINESS WORLD V: MARKETING AND ADVERTISING Organizing an advertising campaign. Creating a product and giving it value. Analyzing an advertising campaign. Grammatical and lexical content: Use of the Imperative to advise and motivate. Conditional sentences and their connectors. Preterit Imperfect and pluscuamperfect de subjunctive. 4.ANALYSIS OF CURRENT AFFAIRS Analyze a topic/issue in current Spanish society which is of interest to the student and the rest of the class. Writing a research paper and presenting it. Grammatical and lexical content: Search for information on reliable Spanish websites. Strategies for summarizing and outlining. Writing techniques (vocabulary, connectors, spelling, PowerPoint content, etc.) and oral presentation (intonation, diction, body language, etc.).

Compétence à acquérir :

To understand the Spanish labor environment from the perspective of Human Resources. To learn about working and employment conditions in Spain and compare them with other countries. Analyze Spanish companies that stand out for their exemplary labor practices. Carry out an advertising campaign and learn techniques to add value to a product. Write a paper analyzing a situation in current Spanish society and present it in class.

Université Paris Dauphine - PSL - Place du Maréchal de Lattre de Tassigny - 75775 PARIS Cedex 16 - 06/07/2024