
Management Information System

ECTS : 2

Volume horaire : 27

Compétence à acquérir :



1. The critical knowledge of information systems

2. Knoweldge of differences and similarities between various types of information systems

3. Reflective knowledge of the importance of information systems 


4. The ability to present an argument to recommend a specific type of information system.

5. Analysis of the requirements of the organization and identify the suitable type of information system.

6. The ability to understand the correlation between databases and information system. 

7. The ability to understand the importance of securing information system.

8. Presentation of a coherent argument to recommend various means of securing information systems.

9. The ability to design and plan the analysis of a given case 

10. The ability to critically analyse the given data and conclude with relevant suggestions based on the given problem. 

11. The ability to research the various new security tools available in the industry. 

Values and Attitudes 

12. Plan and structure the work in relevance to the objective of the task

13. Be open-minded to various approaches towards a given problem case and its corresonding solutions. 

Université Paris Dauphine - PSL - Place du Maréchal de Lattre de Tassigny - 75775 PARIS Cedex 16 - 06/07/2024