
Human Resources Management

ECTS : 4

Volume horaire : 27

Description du contenu de l'enseignement :

Overview of Human   Resources and Human Resource Management (2 sessions)

Overview of the semester:   ground rules, expectations and assignments. 

An explanation of   what work is and what it consists of, including the role of work within   society. Overview of the relationship between employer and employee. Definition   of Human Resource Management and the key areas of action and influence. Role   of managerial HRM, and transformational HR, the strategic role of HR as a   business partner contributing to the organization’s economic success.

Staffing and   competencies (2 sessions)

Analysis of current   competencies and forecasting future HR needs. Job descriptions; levels and   forms of remuneration and retribution. Sourcing candidates (internally and   externally), recruitment/selection process, administrative formalities   (including employment contract), and onboarding. Termination of the   employment contract. Overview of HR tools.

Training and   Development (2 sessions)

Talent management. Staff   reviewal processes and evolution of staff; training and transformational processes.   The role of diversity within the workplace, cross-cultural and   intergenerational considerations and managing an international team.

Work conditions   and social relations (1 session)

Health and safety   considerations (including psycho-social risks); wellbeing in the workplace. Importance   of communication, management and resolution of tension and conflicts. Disciplinary   actions and sanctions. Overview of the role of employee delegates and trade   unions. 

Other areas of   study (2 sessions)

Introduction to corporate   culture and values, and international HR practices. Challenges for HR in   today’s economic and social climate.

Compétence à acquérir :

Upon completion of this course, students will understand the basic principles of HRM and the important role that HR professionals can play today within an organization. They will have the capacity to establish and implement an effective HR policy and comprehend how HR relates to other organizational functions. They will also better understand modern HR needs, and the challenges HR professionals are facing today. 

The main objective of this course is to acquire a basic understanding of HRM and the necessary skills to manage people in organizations. Students will put the theory into practice through a case study. 

Specific areas of focus include:

Mode de contrôle des connaissances :


- Week 13

- Weighting: 50%


- Due weeks 3, 5 and 7 

- Weighting: 30%


- Due week 9

- + Oral presentation 

- Weighting: 20%

More information about the three assignments and the group project will be provided during class. 

The numerical grade distribution will dictate the final grade. The passing grade for a course is 10/20.

Class participation: Active class participation – this is what makes classes lively and instructive. Come on time and prepared. Class participation is based on quality of comments, not quantity. 

Exam policy: In the exam, students will not be allowed to bring any document (except if allowed by the lecturer). Unexcused absences from exams or failure to submit cases will result in zero grades in the calculation of numerical averages. Exams are collected at the end of examination periods.

Bibliographie, lectures recommandées :

 DeCenzo, David & Robbins, Stephen. (2011) Human Resource Management, 10th edition, Wiley

Dejoux Cécile & Thévenet, Maurice (2012) Talent Management, DUNOD 

Université Paris Dauphine - PSL - Place du Maréchal de Lattre de Tassigny - 75775 PARIS Cedex 16 - 06/07/2024