
Langue - Anglais

ECTS : 3

Description du contenu de l'enseignement :

Designed to make you practice English, this course comprises seven sessions, including an introduction. It is based on a variety of materials (articles, series, podcasts, videos, etc.) and is structured around six managerial themes:

1.  Introduction

2.  Decision-making

3.  Cooperation

4.  Crisis management 

5.  Building a sales pitch

6.  Leadership

7.  Meaning at work

Compétence à acquérir :

The first objective is for students to practice speaking English in small groups and in public to be at ease when in their enterprise and their future professional life in many different situations: 

When they have to present their ideas in front of people, 

When they have to explain their results to their manager or their team, 

when they have to participate in a meeting, discuss by phone with a colleague, etc.

The second objective of this course is to improve their writing skills to be able to summarize complex ideas and communicate in an impactful and effective manner.

Mode de contrôle des connaissances :

The course evaluation will be done only under the principle of continuous assessment

A.  Collective grade:  40%

In groups of 5 students and for a randomly selected theme, you will have to prepare the following:

1/ Flipped classroom (PowerPoint) – 30 minutes

o  How to define the theme/concept you have been assigned? 

o  What are the managerial issues raised by this topic ( 2 or 3)? 

o  Find some examples (2-3)  illustrating the problems identified. 

=> Due date: The student group will present their work at the beginning of the course dealing with the theme. 

2/ A document of max ten pages answering the following questions: 

o  How to define the theme/concept you have been assigned? 

o  What are the issues raised by this topic ( 2 or 3)? 

o  For each issue/stake, give an example from the business world. 

o  Then, please choose one of the examples and analyze it through a theoretical grid 

seen in class. 

=> Due date: March, 28 - 23h59 – Moodle

*NB. Cite your sources in APA Style

B.  Individual grade: 60 %

1.  20% are related to participation in class activities. 

2.  40% are related to homework – here are the details: 

A three pages document (Times 12 - Line spacing 1,5 cm - Margins, 2,5 cm)

o  Choose an excerpt from a series, a film, or a commercial* of your choice that 

illustrates one of the themes seen in class (max duration of 5 minutes)

o  Briefly describe the scene (who, what, where, how, why). 

o  Analyze the scene through one of the theoretical grids presented in class.

o  What do you conclude from this?

=> Due date: March, 28 - 23h59 – Moodle

Université Paris Dauphine - PSL - Place du Maréchal de Lattre de Tassigny - 75775 PARIS Cedex 16 - 06/07/2024