
Genre et développement

ECTS : 3

Description du contenu de l'enseignement :

  The course presents an overview of the scientific literature on gender economics, with a focus on gender differences in economic outcomes. While the course mainly covers developing countries, developed countries will be also part of the picture. We will discuss theories and empirical applications about the origins of gender inequality and of the persistent gender gaps in a variety of domains. The course will present economic theories and empirical papers on gender discrimination, work participation, family formation, social norms and preferences. Particular attention will be devoted to examining the impacts of policies aiming to counteract gender disparities.  Since the main focus of this course is on empirical papers using causal inference techniques, we will also extensively discuss relevant and common statistical problems in the quantitative and empirical social sciences.

     The course will cover the following topics:

  1. Introduction. Stylized facts and trends.   Presentation of the main topics.
  2.  The origin   of gender roles and inequality.
  3. Decision-making   power and the non-unitary household model.
  4.  Wage   and work disparities. 
  5. Gender   norms.
  6.  Education   and health.
  7.  Marriage   and fertility choices.
  8.  Gender-based   violence. 
  9. Measuring   sensitive gender-related items.
  10.  Gender quotas

Compétence à acquérir :

  Upon successful completion of the course, students should be able to:

1. Know and understand the major topics related to gender economics, with focus on developing countries;

2. Understand the main economic theories related to gender economics;

3. Understand the common statistical problems that researchers studying gender economics and related topics face.

Mode de contrôle des connaissances :

  Students will be evaluated with a final written exam.

Bibliographie, lectures recommandées :

  Most of the information in this course are covered in the lectures. The papers below will be available for download for each lecture. The list will be updated before the course starts. List of scientific papers for students’ presentations will be provided at the beginning of the course. All slides, datasets, papers and other materials will be available on the Moodle webpage.
Preliminary list of papers:
- Adoho, F., Chakravarty, S., Korkoyah, D. T., Lundberg, M., & Tasneem, A. (2014). The Impact of an Adolescent Girls Employment Program. World Bank Group Policy Research Working Papers.
- Alesina, A., Giuliano, P., & Nunn, N. (2013). On the origins of gender roles: Women and the plough. The quarterly journal of economics, 128(2), 469-530.
- Buchmann, N., Field, E., Glennerster, R., Nazneen, S., Pimkina, S., & Sen, I. (2017). Power vs money: Alternative approaches to reducing child marriage in Bangladesh, a randomized control trial. Unpublished Manuscript.
- Doepke, M., & Tertilt, M. (2019). Does female empowerment promote economic development?. Journal of Economic Growth, 24, 309-343.
- Duflo, E. (2012). Women empowerment and economic development. Journal of Economic literature, 50(4), 1051-1079.
- Jayachandran S. (2015) The Roots of Gender Inequality in Developing Countries, Annual Review of Economics, 7:1, 63-  
- Jensen, R. (2012). Do labor market opportunities affect young women's work and family decisions? Experimental evidence from India. The Quarterly Journal of Economics, 127(2), 753-792.
- Mammen, K., & Paxson, C. (2000). Women's work and economic development. Journal of economic perspectives, 14(4), 141-164.
- Qian, N. (2008). Missing women and the price of tea in China: The effect of sex-specific earnings on sex imbalance. The Quarterly journal of economics, 123(3), 1251-1285.
Optional non-scientific material (in random order):

Université Paris Dauphine - PSL - Place du Maréchal de Lattre de Tassigny - 75775 PARIS Cedex 16 - 06/07/2024