
Management research methodology

ECTS : 3

Description du contenu de l'enseignement :

S1: Introduction to Management Research and to the seminar (DR)

S2: Epistemology + Fundamentals of Research Design (DR)

S3: The foundations of qualitative research (AG)

S4: Interviews and Focus Groups (AG)

S5: Ethnography and Digital Qualitative Research Method (AG)

S6: Qualitative Data Analysis (AG)

S7: The foundations of quantitative methods (DR)

S8: Surveys (DR)

S9: Experiments (DR)

S10: Data analysis workshop (DR)

S11: Reporting and presenting research (DR)

S12: Research proposal presentations (DR+AG)

Compétence à acquérir :

 The seminar is designed to introduce students to principles and fundamental tools of research methods most frequently used in management. We will present a range of critical topics including epistemology, research design, interviews, ethnography, survey research and experimental design.

Mode de contrôle des connaissances :

Evaluation will be based on:

- an individual research proposal at the end of the seminar (80%), 

- and on group activities during class and active participation (20%).

Bibliographie, lectures recommandées :

Session 1

· Mishra, S. and Subudhi, R.N. (2019), Chap1: The Methodological Domain in Management Research, In Methodological Issues in Management Research: Advances, Challenges, and the Way Ahead, Emerald Publishing Limited, Bingley, pp. 1-10.

· Weathington, Bart L., et al. (2012), Chap1: Research and Business, In Understanding Business Research, John Wiley & Sons, Incorporated, pp3-22.

· Cassell, C. and Lee, B. (2010), Chap1: Introduction, In Challenges and Controversies in Management Research, Taylor & Francis Group, pp1-14.

Session 2

· della Porta, D. and Keating, M. (2008), Chap2: How Many Approaches in the Social Sciences? An Epistemological Introduction, In Approaches and methodologies in the social sciences : A pluralist perspective, Cambridge University Press, pp19-39.

· Klakegg, O. J. (2016). Chap5: Ontology and Epistemology. In Design Methods and Practices for Research of Project Management, Taylor & Francis Group, pp. 87-96.

Session 3

· Gioia, D. A., Corley, K. G., & Hamilton, A. L. (2013). Seeking qualitative rigor in inductive research: Notes on the Gioia methodology. Organizational research methods, 16(1), 15-31. 

· Geertz Clifford (1973), The Interpretation of Cultures, NY: Basic Books, Inc., Publishers.

Session 4

· Gruen, A. and Mimoun, L, (forthcoming), Conducting consumer interviews online and offline, in 2nd Edition of the Handbook of qualitative research methods in marketing, edited by Cele Otnes and Belk, R. W., Edward Elgar Publishing. 

· Kamberelis, G., Dimitriadis, G., & Welker, A. (2018). Focus group research and/in figured worlds. The SAGE handbook of qualitative research, 692-716.

Session 5

· Kozinets, R. (2019) Netnography : The Essential Guide to Qualitative Social Media, London : SAGE Publications Ltd.

· Bainotti, L., Caliandro, A., & Gandini, A. (2021). From archive cultures to ephemeral content, and back: Studying Instagram Stories with digital methods. New Media & Society, 23(12), 3656-3676.

· Caliandro, A., & Gandini, A. (2016). Qualitative research in digital environments: A research toolkit. Taylor & Francis.

Session 6

· Spiggle, S. (1994). Analysis and interpretation of qualitative data in consumer research. Journal of consumer research, 21(3), 491-503.

· Thompson, C. J. (1997). Interpreting consumers: A hermeneutical framework for deriving marketing insights from the texts of consumers’ consumption stories. Journal of marketing Research, 34(4), 438-455.

Session 7

· Weathington, Bart L., et al. (2012), Chap3: The Foundations of Research, In Understanding Business Research, John Wiley & Sons, Incorporated, pp41-71.

· Franklin, M. (2008), Chap13: Quantitative Analysis, In Approaches and methodologies in the social sciences : A pluralist perspective. Cambridge University Press, pp240-262.

· Eisend, M., and Kuss, A. (2019). Chap7: Hypotheses and Model for Theory Testing, In Research Methodology in Marketing, Springer, Cham, pp151-172.

Session 8

· Weathington, Bart L., et al. (2012), Chap4: An Overview of Research Methods, In Understanding Business Research, John Wiley & Sons, Incorporated, pp73-103.

· Aityan, S.K. (2022). Chap16: Survey Method, In Business Research Methodology, Springer, Cham, pp343-357.

Session 9

· Eisend, M., and Kuss, A. (2019). Chap8: Testing Causal Relationships

Université Paris Dauphine - PSL - Place du Maréchal de Lattre de Tassigny - 75775 PARIS Cedex 16 - 06/07/2024