
Strategic management (anglais)

ECTS : 3

Description du contenu de l'enseignement :


The course includes 10 sessions of 3 hours, organized toward 3 key challenges that strategists face (part 1 to 3). Each session addresses one specific issue:

- S1. Introduction: strategic management, past and current issues: this session traces the main evolutions of strategy as a discipline, highlights the major challenges currently faced by companies (structuring the three parts of the course), and introduces the methodological elements for case studies.

- S2. Introduction: case study: This session allows to verify, through a simple case study, the good understanding of the classical concepts and tools of strategic analysis.


- S3. Why and how to rethink a company's business model? This session presents various conceptions of the business model as tools to define new value creation mechanisms, and introduces the challenges related to business model innovation. 

- S4. Under what conditions can an innovation create a market disruption? This session addresses "breakthrough strategies", by analyzing how an innovation (product, technology, business model, etc.) can not only destabilize the rules of the game of a market ("disruption"), but also generate a new market ("blue ocean"). 

- S5. How do platforms change the way value is created? This session discusses platforms as a new organizational model to challenge established firms in a sector and to propose new business models. The success factors of platforms are discussed.

- S6. Intermediate synthesis: presentation of group projects.


- S7. Competition or cooperation: why and how to structure a business ecosystem? This session presents new forms and dynamics of competition, based on cooperation with networks of actors, including competitors, to form a "business ecosystem". 

- S8. How can a firm shape the institutional context to its own advantage? This session shows how the institutional environment (State, regulation, etc.) conditions a firm's strategy, but also how a firm can influence this environment to its advantage ("non-market strategies" such as lobbying, etc.). 


- S9. Governance: how to align strategy with stakeholders’ expectations? This session analyses how the legal form of an organization partly determines its strategic choices, and discusses the main governance mechanisms for aligning the strategy with the challenges of the organization’s stakeholders.

- S10. How to think about strategy in the era of major social and environmental challenges? This session addresses the social and environmental issues that now underpin the definition, planning and implementation of strategy, as well as its legitimisation by stakeholders.

Compétence à acquérir :


The objective of the strategic management course is to provide keys to understanding and analyzing these strategic situations. At the end of this course, the student will be able to:

- Know and understand the main strategic issues that companies are currently facing;

- Master essential theoretical concepts to shed light on these issues and mobilize them as a framework for analysis; 

- Elaborate a structured and reflexive analysis of a company's strategic situation. 

Mode de contrôle des connaissances :


Continuous assessment (50%)

Group project (40%): Collective work: Strategic report on a company case, analyzed through one of the course topics (30 pages max.)

Case study (10%): individual: From a corpus of press, students must analyze the strategic situation of a company by formulating a “problematic” (i.e., a question that underlines the main strategic issues that will be analyzed), then answer it through a structured and reflexive diagnosis, and conclude with recommendations.

Classroom participation (facultative): bonus/malus on the individual grade, optional, depending on the teacher’s choice

Final exam (50%): Case study: Individual exam (3h)

Bibliographie, lectures recommandées :

  JOHNSON G., SCHOLES K., WHITTINGTON R., ANGWIN D., REGNER P. Exploring Corporate Strategy, Pearson, 12th edition, 2020. 

CUSUMANO M.A., GAWER, A., YOFFIE B., The business of platforms: Strategy in the age of digital competition, innovation, and power, Harper Business, 2019.

ADNER R., The wide lens: A new strategy for innovation, Penguin, 2012.

Université Paris Dauphine - PSL - Place du Maréchal de Lattre de Tassigny - 75775 PARIS Cedex 16 - 06/07/2024