
Marketing B to B

ECTS : 3

Description du contenu de l'enseignement :

- The course will provide the first components of expertise to students in order to become practitioners in B2B Marketing. The sessions contain lectures as well as tutorial seminars.
- The course has the objective of developing capacities to elaborate analysis, strategy and operational plans in B2B business fields by using the main marketing principles and tools. It also gives an understanding of the different tasks and relations of a B2B product manager.

Compétence à acquérir :

- The learning outcomes are summarized in the following abilities : Being able to identify the scope of BtoB Marketing, the differences with Business to Consumer Marketing and the principles tied to them.
- Knowing the array of the BtoB marketing decisions and how to make a choice.
- Using the main specific tools, i. e. business field modelization, B2B segmentation, B2B customer database and CRM, distribution typology, seling process.
- Building a marketing plan adapted to large, medium and small enterprises including internet strategies.

Université Paris Dauphine - PSL - Place du Maréchal de Lattre de Tassigny - 75775 PARIS Cedex 16 - 06/07/2024