
Business basics in cultural and creative industries

ECTS : 3

Description du contenu de l'enseignement :

 Part 1 – Business basics 

This part of the course is dedicated to the discovery of the main concepts and tools of business administration. It presents the key ideas, principles and instruments of business analysis. It provides an introduction to several management dimensions: strategy, marketing, finance, accounting, while focusing on the challenges related to competition and sustainability. It is based on a business simulation: six teams will develop and execute strategies for their simulated company while taking into consideration the customer behavior, cost structures, and currency fluctuations in the different international markets.

Part 2 – Cultural and creative industries 

The second part of the course deals more specifically with the distinctive features of cultural and creative industries, and the main contemporary challenges that they have to face. Core notions are presented and discussed. Meetups and visits also give students the opportunity to meet and talk with various actors in creative industries.

Compétence à acquérir :

 This program aims at introducing the fundamentals of business culture as well as cultural and creative industries. The main objectives are the following:

· To understand what an organization is, its goal and environment, as well as its contemporary challenges

· To understand the notions of strategy, marketing, finance and accounting

· To analyze, synthesize, and anticipate the effects of business choices

· To identify and understand the specific characteristics and challenges of cultural and creative industries

· To analyze management and work in cultural and creative organizations

Université Paris Dauphine - PSL - Place du Maréchal de Lattre de Tassigny - 75775 PARIS Cedex 16 - 06/07/2024