Quantitative International Economics
ECTS : 3
Description du contenu de l'enseignement :
This lecture covers advanced topics in international economics with a special emphasis on quantitative techniques employed in international trade. This course is divided into two main components: the first part introduces important concepts and provides the theoretical foundations of the structural gravity equation. The second part deals with partial and general equilibrium trade policy analysis with structural gravity
Compétence à acquérir :
- Enhance their understanding of economic methods and data sources for trade policy analysis.
- Applying international trade models and provides recommendations on how to obtain reliable partial and general equilibrium estimates for the effects of trade policy.
Mode de contrôle des connaissances :
Home works
Bibliographie, lectures recommandées :
- Head K. and T. Mayer, 2014. "Gravity Equations: Workhorse,Toolkit, and Cookbook", Handbook of International Economics, 4th ed, 4:131-195.
- Gravity Cookbook website
- Costinot, A., and A. Rodríguez-Clare, 2014. "Trade Theory with Numbers: Quantifying the Consequences of Globalization", Handbook of International Economics, 4th ed, 4:131-195.
- Yotov, Y. V., Piermartini, R., Monteiro, J. A., & Larch, M. (2016). An advanced guide to trade policy analysis: The structural gravity model. Geneva: World Trade Organization.