
Politiques de l'énergie (en anglais)

ECTS : 3

Description du contenu de l'enseignement :

    Syllabus (here)
This course focuses on energy policies through a research paper in energy economics. It helps students develop a critical understanding of the role of policy for sustainable energy transitions in developed and developing countries.  The focus of the research paper project format is an economic question or issue in energy policies in a specific country or geographic area.
Energy plays a key role in most of the world’s environmental problems, from the global issue of climate change, through regional damage caused by acid rain, to poor local air quality. Energy markets throughout the world are evolving rapidly, with privatization, competition, market structure and regulation all prominent worldwide. Resource depletion of fossil fuels, the role of renewable energy and social inequities such as fuel poverty are central issues for sustainable development. The influence of energy issues on international politics and security has come into sharp focus with conflicts. The range of challenges for energy policy is diverse and exciting.
The Energy Policy Course is designed to review the broad interconnection between global economic growth, energy resource supply, geopolitical energy security, climate change and the development of energy policy, and to review the technologies and economics of energy production, transmission, distribution and consumption/conservation. 
No topic-driven content is covered during the course; rather, the students investigated an issue and the course focused on the development of analytical thinking and research skills.
The organization of the seminar is the following:

  1. Presentation      of the fundamentals of energy policies, followed by a discussion of supply      and demand policies. Throughout the discussion special emphasis will be      put on energy policies and their interface with other policies …, 
  2. Determining a research focus: The goal is to nurture students      through the process of narrowing their topic, developing an effective      economic research question and constructing a plan for their research.
  3. Beginning analysis: At this stage students have narrowed      their issue to a specific economic question and searched relevant      literature for areas of potential contribution.
  4. & .5 Evaluating evidence: The final stage of the course      is dominated by a one-to-one meeting with the instructor. The students are      deep into the development of their evidence their questions become project      specific. It is more advantageous for students to individually with the      instructor as issues arise. 
6. Bringing it all together: This final section of the course provides students with the opportunity to synthesize the components of their projects and receive a final set of reflective comments, from their peers. 

Compétence à acquérir :


Through a research paper project, the course intends to provide students with the necessary skills to understand and analyze energy policies from different perspectives, ranging from users and energy firms to policymakers.

Upon successfully completing the course the student should be able to

- Realize how energy politics is designed and what it is supposed to achieve

- Define global and national energy policy factors which promote energy transition

These issues will be explored in weekly lectures and discussion sessions, several class discussions, and an individual research paper. Through active engagement and interaction in these pursuits by students from a variety of disciplines, a broad perspective on key energy policies issues will be acquired.

Mode de contrôle des connaissances :


Final individual paper (100%) . Th research paper project will be handed out at the end of the semester. It must be must a 15-20 page typed document and must be done individually. All the course is built to help student to write their research paper.

Bibliographie, lectures recommandées :


- Transforming Energy Systems: Economics, Policies and Change by Steven Fries | Nov 30, 2022, ELGAR

- Economics of Power Systems: Fundamentals for Sustainable Energy by Christoph Weber, Dominik Möst, et al. | Nov 14, 2022, SPRINGER

- All About Renewable Energy: The Economics Of Renewable Energy Systems by Roseanne Bisges | Jul 27, 2022

- Energy Economics: Concepts, Issues, Markets and Governance by  Subhes C. Bhattacharyya | nov 14, 2020 (1st Edition., 2011

- MERITET S. & VAUJOUR J-B (2015), Economie de l’Energie, Topos, Dunod.

Université Paris Dauphine - PSL - Place du Maréchal de Lattre de Tassigny - 75775 PARIS Cedex 16 - 06/07/2024