
Soft Skills

ECTS : 3

Description du contenu de l'enseignement :

Course objectives
“85% of our success accounts from soft skills and emotional intelligence, yet we only pay attention to them 10% of the time."
The result of this study conducted by Stanford university, amongst many others, highlights the importance of increasing our focus on soft skills on the road to professional and personal success. 
Whether for the purpose of a successful first round HR interview, the fluidity of colleague and client relationships at a first entry job, or the integrity with which one treats themselves and other people - the soft skill module offers you a space of contemplation on emotional intelligence and interpersonal relationships, and its importance in your long term career. 
This module is not a practical preparation for interviews, but rather a space of reflection on how to know yourself and accept yourself in your strengths and areas of development, so that you may apprehend your interview rounds, your career path, as well as your personal life with integrity, strength and authenticity.
"Your level of success will seldom exceed your level of personal development, because success is something you tract by the person you become” - Jim Rohn

Course outline
Part I –Interactive workshops on Authentic Leadership, 1 session of 3h and 6 sessions of 1h30 each.
·       Emotional intelligence: Group interactive work on emotion & awareness, stress & confidence, emotional intelligence, inter&intra-personal relationships, challenges & opportunites at work
·       Clarity = Power: Who am I ?, Identifying your Talents and Resources
·       Emotions Management: Brain plasticity, Face your fears
·       Communication: Projection and Intuition, Story Telling
·       Authentic Leadership & Critical Thinking: Ability to Learn & Transmit, Decision-Making Power
·       Team Work: Flexibility and Collective Intelligence, Win-Win Negotiation
·       Mindfulness & Positive Attitude: Active Listening, Personal and collective growth

Part II - Discovery and practice of the process of NonViolent Communication according to Marshall Rosenberg over 6 sessions of 1h30 each.
·       Listening to yourself
- Observe one's thoughts & judgements and translate them into needs.
- Distinguishing facts/obs. from our interpretations/ judgments
·       Listening to each other 
- Offering non-directive listening, with empathic reflection in Feeling & Need
- Accepting a difficult message: against oneself, against the other, with oneself, with the other
·       Dialogue practice
            - Alternating self-expression and listening to others
            - Elaborate a solution that considers the needs of each person

Mode de contrôle des connaissances :

No Exam

Bibliographie, lectures recommandées :

Université Paris Dauphine - PSL - Place du Maréchal de Lattre de Tassigny - 75775 PARIS Cedex 16 - 06/07/2024