
Global Management of Information Systems and digital strategies

ECTS : 6

Description du contenu de l'enseignement :

  Nowadays, organizations increasingly develop, offer and rely on digital services. In many sectors, traditional organizations have been dramatically challenged by new platform business models – illustrated by the widely acknowledged and controversed Uber, AirBnB - driven by increasing reliance on WebServices (API), as well as data analytics. This course will train the students to identify digital platforms economic and business opportunities in data, as well as frame a whole project of a platform business, its services and its governance.

The course aims at :   

  1. Understanding the role of information systems in digital strategy. It covers the exploration of the role of data, cloud infrastructure, as well as web services and API; 
  2. Examining how organizations rely on data and digital services to generate value into digital ecosystems;
  3. Analyzing a real business case by the design of a new webservice.

 The course comprises the completion of the APIaRTISt project (API and ReThinking Information and Strategy). In a nutshell, the objective of this assignment is to learn how to support an organization transform its strategy and information system thanks to APIs. This project is completed by teams.

Each team chooses an organization, analyzes its digital strategy and its information system. The team thinks creatively to conceive how the organization can either pursue or reinvent its digital strategy, settle new and alternate ways to process data, and propose a new service to the organization’s stakeholders. The students explore existing APIs provided by the company or detail new APIs that the organization could rely on to pursue its digital strategy and/or renovate its information system. Please note that a thorough explanation of the students’ rationale for proposing a specific API is much appreciated. The students should also explain how the company can practically integrate the proposed services and APIs in the digital strategy of the company.

Compétence à acquérir :

  Upon completion of this course, the students should be capable to:

  1. Identify strategic opportunities in the digital economy, provide recommendations regarding the digital strategy of a specific company or provide advice to refine this strategy;
  2. Support IS projects, in particular projects that  aim at implementing new IT tools and applications (Cloud computing and cloud services, API, e-business, big data, …) by providing managerial      expertise regarding the adequacy of these tools to a specific company or organization;
  3. Propose directions and guidelines to support the digital transformation of a company;
  4. Analyze and anticipate organizational consequences of the digital transformation of a company at the scale of an ecosystem.

Mode de contrôle des connaissances :

Group work (30%): team work during the sessions and quality of feedback on peergrade

Individual contribution to the course (25%): questions asked, comments and insights shared with the whole class, contribution to the wiki

APIArtist project (45%): Team presentation and report

Bibliographie, lectures recommandées :

  1. DAVE CHAFFEY, (2014), “Digital Business and  E-Commerce Management”, 720 p., Pearson
  2. ISAAC H., VOLLE P., (2014), "E-commerce.  De la stratégie à la mise en oeuvre", Pearson Education, 532 p
  3. AUSTIN, R. D., NOLAN, R. L.,  O'DONNELL, S. (2009). The adventures of an IT leader. Harvard Business Press.

Université Paris Dauphine - PSL - Place du Maréchal de Lattre de Tassigny - 75775 PARIS Cedex 16 - 06/07/2024