
Leadership en finance et Entreprenariat

ECTS : 6

Description du contenu de l'enseignement :

In this class, students will be able to reflect on the core qualities any leader should have. They will learn the role and the place of a leader in a team and in an organization, as well as the sources of leadership and how leadership can be exercised. They will discover some of the tools at a leader's disposal to face the many challenges they face (stress management, negotiation, effective communication, emotional intelligence, diversity, and inclusion, etc.), and will be able to practice with them. Mostly, they will be able to think about what leaders they will want in their careers and which kind of leader they will want to become. 
To achieve this goal, students will be prompted to discover these skills through case studies, articles and videos analysis, research, presentations, and hands-on practice. The class is led with an MBA style, so students are advised that their participation and their contributions are key in building the class. 

Compétence à acquérir :

- Roles and responsibilities of a leader (manager/leader, organizations theory, leaders and learning, leaders & strategy, etc.)

- Dealing with Stress & Pressure (Definition of stress, "Flight, Fight, Freeze" model, Baseline Stress model, "Triune Brain" model, breathing techniques, imported stress, Circle of Safety, managing one's stress, managing other peoples stress, managing upwards, difference between stress and pressure, etc.)

- Communicating and Engaging around one's vision (intro to Public Speaking, transmitting a clear message, active listening, giving feedback, non-verbal communication, Golden Circle model, Radical Candor model, etc.)

- Understanding and Adapting to differences (DISC, MBTI, diversity leadership, cultural intelligence, etc.)

- Building a LT vision (negotiation theory, emotional intelligence, Infinite games, Teal organizations, etc.)

- Growing as a leader (vulnerability, authenticity, empathy, personal developemnt etc.)

Mode de contrôle des connaissances :

The grade is divided into three thirds:
- participation grade: quality of the interventions during class as well as the performance with some exercises;
- group grade: the class will be divided into 4 groups that will face each other in different challenges and presentations, earning points for the team (each member of the group gets the same grade at the end of the year);
- essay: at the end of the semester, students will be prompted to reflect on what Leadership means to them through a written personal essay.

Université Paris Dauphine - PSL - Place du Maréchal de Lattre de Tassigny - 75775 PARIS Cedex 16 - 06/07/2024